Once September rolls around the questions about Fall Colors on the North Shore begin. When will they start? Why do leaves change colors? Have they started? When will they hit their peak? Where is the best place to go to see them? So in this post, we will be answering those very questions, and more!
Fall Colors on the North Shore: When Will They Start?
Answering this question is usually one big guess, with some basic knowledge and science to back up our response. It’s vague, but in general, we tell everyone that Fall Colors starts around the second week of September and will last until the last of the leaves fall off the trees. This is usually the first week of October. However, there are a few variables that may cause a late or early Fall Colors season.
Understanding when the peak of the season will hit means understanding why leaves change their color in the first place.
Why Leaves Change Color in the Fall
Chlorophyll is the substance that gives plants green coloring. Leaves in the spring and summer are full of chlorophyll, making them a vibrant green color. The summer sun triggers leaves to make chlorophyll throughout the summer months. Long days, lots of sunlight and moisture from rain help the trees maintain their green leaves for most of the summer. Once the days get shorter, the trees receive fewer signals to keep making chlorophyll. The colder temps in the fall also attribute to the changing of the leaves.
As other pigments take over for chlorophyll, the leaves will start to change colors. Yellow trees are yellow because of xanthophylls. Red leaves are red because of anthocyanins. And orange trees are orange because of carotenoids. What you are seeing is literally nature playing with chemicals and putting on a show.
However, this natural science experiment has some variables that can change the when and where of Falls Colors on the North Shore. As mentioned above, trees need ample amounts of both sunlight and moisture to continue making chlorophyll. If either one of those goes away for any period of time, it can trigger an early change. Drought conditions cause more changes than too many cloudy days for trees. Drought years may find Fall Colors appearing weeks, even months early depending on the trees themselves. Likewise, summers with a lot of rainfall may see the Fall Colors season shifting a week or two in the other direction- giving the area a cover of color well into October.
Planning Your Trip to see the Fall Colors on the North Shore
It’s very difficult to plan a trip far in advance to see the fall colors. If you make a reservation for the second week of September, you may be too soon. If you plan it for the first week in October, you may be too late. Usually, if you plan a trip the third or fourth week of September you will likely see plenty of fall colors, if not the peak itself. But, that’s not always the case.
Again, the when largely depends on the weather. What sort of weather has the area been receiving this year? Lots of rain? Aim for that fourth week in September. Drought? Maybe start planning your trip for the second week of September. Cold summer? Earlier leaf change. Warm summer? Later leaf change.
That being said, if you come anytime in mid-September, you will likely see lots of colors, no matter the weather. So while Fall Colors on the North Shore may hit earlier or later than expected, we expect it will still arrive and be very beautiful!
If you can, wait until the last minute to book your trip to the North Shore for Fall Colors. Keep an eye out on Minnesota DNR’s Fall Color Finder for daily reports on where leaf changes are being seen. Once it hits 50-75%, plan your trip! “Peak Season” (75-100% change) only lasts a few days to a week, at most!
Have the Leaves Started Changing Yet?
2021 brought one of the earliest Fall Colors seasons we’ve seen in a while. In fact, some trees were turning even in August due to the hot, dry summer. Luckily, the summer of 2023 has been cooler and we’ve had plenty of rain this season. The trees along the North Shore and even inland are still green.
Since this summer has shown to be a bit more typical as far as weather goes, we expect the Fall Colors 2023 to follow a pretty normal schedule. Expect to start seeing some yellows and oranges inland first around the first week of September. As the month rolls on, more colors will emerge and they will start moving closer to Highway 61 and Lake Superior. If you’re planning a trip to see the Fall Colors on the North Shore, look to book the weekends of September 17 and 24th.